Our Mission
We are K-12 teachers alarmed by the rise of illiberal agendas in education, working to restore integrity and quality to our profession.
To that end, we apply these principles:
Pedagogy, Not Ideology
We reject narrow and divisive identity-based frameworks for learning. We seek instead to broaden perspectives for our students, not only in regards to what they should know about the world, but also in the way they see themselves.
In our teaching, we promote an understanding of human experience in its full complexity, in order to rebuild a healthy civic culture in a pluralistic society. We foster not only viewpoint diversity, but narrative diversity as well.
We further commit to best practices in teaching—based on solid research—over trendy approaches conceived of and promoted by politically extremist educational theorists.
Teacher-generated solutions
Our network is teacher-led and teacher-driven. Together, we develop effective methods to promote the kind of quality, balanced education that parents want and students deserve.
Our work takes place in the context of institutions that have been captured by critical social justice ideology. As a consequence, we design techniques that give teachers more agency to push back in these environments, in a host of small ways—and big.
Students First
We see students in our schools being intimidated into artificial conformity by aggressive, tendentious teaching. Instead, we want to foster truly authentic classroom dynamics, allowing students to think for themselves and reach independent conclusions. Our students are ends in themselves–not a means to transform society or propagate a divisive, extremist politics.
This commitment requires us to do all we can to stay at our posts–because if we leave or are pushed out in the existing environment, it's likely an ideologue will take our place. We intend to stand our ground and fight for the future of our schools in particular and K-12 education overall.
Parents are the Moral Authority
In our duties, we recognize that parents have the ultimate say on their child's moral education. We want to protect children from exposure to material that is best left for adults. We want to let kids be kids—and to let parents parent. We work cooperatively with parents to do what’s best for students.
Join Us
Our network is small, but growing. We have just begun to inspire and equip each other with the necessary tools and strategies for restoring K-12 education.
We may have a long way to go, but the project is essential, and our enthusiasm is limitless.
Please join our effort and contact us now.